Keeping Busy @ GCAC!

December 3, 2013

It continues to be very active here at Grand Central Art Center, and the last two weeks were no exception…

We were fortunate to welcome the Newport Beach Arts Foundation to downtown Santa Ana for dinner at Memphis, followed by a full tour of GCAC. The tour included: visits to the galleries and studios; a chance to talk with Artists in Residence Vincent Goudreau and Amy Sanchez (Cog•nate Collective); and a look at the upstairs apartment spaces. We would like to thank Ms. Virginia Hayter, a member of the organization, for arranging the visit. What a wonderful and inspiring group of individuals who are truly involved with their community!

nbaf at memphis

NBAF with Amy

nbaf with john

NBAF with Vincent

NBAF Vincent

NBAF apartments

NBAF Group

We are always glad to have Joy Shannon and her students from the Orange County School of the Arts visit GCAC. These students are talented and ask the best questions. During their visit, they spent time with Artists in Residence Vincent Goudreau and Tim Youd, talking about their current projects and discussing the work in detail. Thank you Joy for always including GCAC in your teaching plans!

OCSA with Vincet

ocsa with tim

OCSA lookingh at tims work

Thanks to the outstanding coordination and grace of California State University, Fullerton’s own Frances Teves and Trina Moreno, GCAC hosted the CSUF Philanthropic Foundation Board. This group of 24 alumni and friends of CSUF is truly a powerhouse of knowledge and generosity, helping to support, connect and promote all the positive programs of the CSUF.

The group meet in the education gallery, as President Mildred Garcia and Vice President for University Advancement Greg Saks discussed current university activities and forward vision. The meeting included an outstanding presentation by Mike Weisman, Partner, President and Co-Founder of the Values Institute at DGWB and William Briggs, CSUF Dean of the College of Communications. Mr. Weisman and Mr. Briggs talked about the newly developed Center for Brand Values at CSUF and the vision and importance of this new campus center, a first of its kind in the nation!

csufpf meeting

csufpf mixer

GCAC Director John Spiak concluded the meeting with an update on the recent and upcoming activities of Grand Central Art Center, followed by a full tour of GCAC. Again, we were fortunate to have many of our current Artists in Residence on-hand to directly present their current projects. It was a truly engaging evening!

CSFPF Board Tim 1

CSFPF Board Vincent

Natalie Park, Education Intern at the Orange County Museum of Art, made arrangements for a visit by the museums interns. Joining us on the tour were OCMA’s Kelly Bishop, Public and Community Programs Manager, and Jenni Stenson, School and Tour Programs Manager. It is always a pleasure having OCMA interns visit GCAC, as ideas for collaborative possibilities always arise.

OCMA Interns 2

And no Thanksgiving Day weekend would be complete without the fall version of PATCHWORK! Thanks to Patchwork founders/organizers Delilah Snell and Nicole Stevenson, along with all the amazing vendors and trusted volunteers. The Santa Ana Patchwork is where it all began and the downtown Santa Ana version is by far the biggest, with over 160 vendors this round. Another GRAND SUCCESS, with over 9,000 in attendance and perfect weather for the day!

Patchwork 2


Thank you for your continued support in making GCAC and Santa Ana the place where community comes together for positive outcomes!

We look forward to seeing you here this Saturday, December 7 from 7-10pm for Santa Ana’s First Saturday Art Walk.

INTERNal Affairs: Life is Like a Thanksgiving Feast

November 25, 2013

INTERNal Affairs is a series by GCAC Curatorial Intern and CSUF Art History major Shauna Hultgrien.

The holidays are upon us my Internet friends! Thanksgiving is just days away, which means Christmas is just around the corner (try not to panic too much you last minute shoppers). As I sit wrapped in my scarf and bundled in my coat in attempt to beat this California winter, I have decided to stop complaining about the bitter chill of sixty degrees and instead take a moment to consider something for which I am thankful.

Fish Tacos

While there are many things I enjoy; fish tacos, movies based on young adult book series, fish tacos, my wool coat, my scooter, fish tacos and my black boots, there is still one thing that I am thankful for far beyond anything else, and that thing is YOU. As a frequenter of the art world, it is no secret that my passions lie in the products of the creative mind. However, in considering this notion, another thought sprang upon me: I’m passionate about the product of any mind! Creativity is a human quality that we all utilize in various forms. It is what F. Scott Fitzgerald calls the “inexhaustible variety of life;” the fact that we are each unique; we are all our own, unlike any other there was, is, or ever will be. There is no possible way to recreate the exact circumstances which make you, you. And because of this, I am constantly flabbergasted, bewildered, amused, and entertained, over and over again.


My position as intern here at Grand Central Art Center has afforded me the opportunity to experience art as it is today. My jaw dropped when I first experience Cumulus, the gargantuan homage to the L.A. Aqueduct by Braden King and Matthew Moore. My mind spun and my side ached from fits of laughter after a walk through Eamonn Fox’s tongue-in-cheek exhibition. My heart ached as I fully absorbed the weight of the message embodied in Beatriz Cortez’s Time Machine. But art is not something simply hung from the walls. Art is everywhere and art is everything. My jaw also drops in awe of my microwave that can cook my potatoes in three minutes. The Dyson Airblade Hand Dryer is arguably the greatest invention of the last decade and I am overwhelmed with wonder and excitement every time that dryer returns my hands to me without the slightest hint of water. Every time I wheel my luggage from terminal to terminal I am beside myself with appreciation for whoever decided to fasten wheels to my over-packed suitcase. The bottom line is that we, as the human race, are great. Whether you’re Henry Ford or Pablo Picasso, the things we produce and the actions we take allow us to help each other experience that full spectrum of emotion. I am so thankful that we are all different and all bring our own homemade dish to this thanksgiving feast of life, it all looks so delicious and I want to try everything! I am never bored and always amazed and it is all because of YOU.

So thank you whoever decided to fry that fish and blanket it in a tortilla, bravo! Thank you shoemaker who cut the boots precisely to the height I prefer, wonderfully done! Thank you automotive company in Italy who knows how to package fun on two wheels, amazing! Thank you J.K. Rowling and Stephanie Meyer and Suzanne Collins, your literary geniuses translated beautifully on the silver screen, a most excellent feat! And thank you, you! We are all in this together and you are making it one heck of a journey. This is your grateful GCAC intern, over and out.